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DD Santana

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Santana, D. ., Mitchison, D. ., Griffiths, S. ., Appolinario, J. ., da Veiga, G. ., Touyz, S. ., & Hay, P. . (2019). Ten-year time trends in mental and physical health correlates of weight/shape overvaluation. European Eating Disorders Review : The Journal of the Eating Disorders Association, 27(5), 531-540.
Santana, D. ., Mitchison, D. ., Griffiths, S. ., Appolinario, J. ., da Veiga, G. ., Touyz, S. ., & Hay, P. . (2020). Associations between weight/shape overvaluation, sociodemographic features and BMI: 10-year time trends. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. (Original work published 2020)