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A Sharma

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Roopendra, K. ., Sharma, A. ., Chandra, A. ., & Saxena, S. . (2018). Gibberellin-induced perturbation of source-sink communication promotes sucrose accumulation in sugarcane. 3 Biotech, 8(10), 418.
Gupta, S. ., Bhatia, G. ., Sharma, A. ., & Saxena, S. . (1969). Host defense peptides: An insight into the antimicrobial world. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology : JOMFP, 22(2), 239-244. (Original work published 1969)
Kapoor, S. ., Sharma, A. ., Bhardwaj, P. ., Sood, H. ., Saxena, S. ., & Chaurasia, O. . (2019). Enhanced Production of Phenolic Compounds in Compact Callus Aggregate Suspension Cultures of Rhodiola imbricata Edgew. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 187(3), 817-837.
Kaur, M. ., Devi, R. ., Ghosh, T. ., Khan, M. ., Kumar, P. ., , … Saxena, S. . (2018). Sld5 Ensures Centrosomal Resistance to Congression Forces by Preserving Centriolar Satellites. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 38(2). (Original work published 2018)