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S Griffiths

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Schaefer, L. ., Rodgers, R. ., Thompson, J. ., & Griffiths, S. . (2021). A test of the tripartite influence model of disordered eating among men. Body Image, 36, 172-179.
Murray, S. ., Compte, E. ., Quintana, D. ., Mitchison, D. ., Griffiths, S. ., & Nagata, J. . (2020). Registration, reporting, and replication in clinical trials: The case of anorexia nervosa. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(1), 138-142.
Cunningham, M. ., Griffiths, S. ., Mitchison, D. ., Mond, J. ., Castle, D. ., & Murray, S. . Muscle Dysmorphia: An Overview of Clinical Features and Treatment Options. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31(4), 255-271. (Original work published 2017)
Trompeter, N. ., Bussey, K. ., Forbes, M. ., Mond, J. ., Hay, P. ., Basten, C. ., … Mitchison, D. . (2020). Differences between Australian adolescents with eating disorder symptoms who are in treatment or not in treatment for an eating disorder. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. (Original work published 2020)
Santana, D. ., Mitchison, D. ., Griffiths, S. ., Appolinario, J. ., da Veiga, G. ., Touyz, S. ., & Hay, P. . (2020). Associations between weight/shape overvaluation, sociodemographic features and BMI: 10-year time trends. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. (Original work published 2020)
Mitchison, D. ., Mond, J. ., Griffiths, S. ., Hay, P. ., Nagata, J. ., Bussey, K. ., … Murray, S. . (2021). Prevalence of muscle dysmorphia in adolescents: findings from the <i>EveryBODY</i> study. Psychological Medicine, 1-8. (Original work published 2021)
Krug, I. ., Selvaraja, P. ., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. ., Hughes, E. ., Slater, A. ., Griffiths, S. ., … Blake, K. . (2020). The effects of fitspiration images on body attributes, mood and eating behaviors: An experimental Ecological Momentary Assessment study in females. Body Image, 35, 279-287.
Prnjak, K. ., Jukic, I. ., Mitchison, D. ., Griffiths, S. ., & Hay, P. . (2022). Body image as a multidimensional concept: A systematic review of body image facets in eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia. Body Image, 42, 347-360.
Griffiths, S. ., Cowley-Court, T. ., Austen, E. ., Russo-Batterham, D. ., & Blake, K. . (2022). "Spring is the best time to lose weight": Evidence that dieting is seasonal and reaches peak intensity during Spring. Body Image, 41, 406-416.
Trompeter, N. ., Bussey, K. ., Forbes, M. ., Hay, P. ., Goldstein, M. ., Thornton, C. ., … Mitchison, D. . (2022). Emotion Dysregulation and Eating Disorder Symptoms: Examining Distinct Associations and Interactions in Adolescents. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50(5), 683-694.