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Food for Thought: A Dissonance Between Healthcare Utilization Costs and Research Funding for Eating Disorders in Canada.


In this commentary, we present the premise that, in Canada, mental illness research specific to eating disorders is underfunded, and many Canadians are suffering the consequences of this underinvestment. We highlight three critical aspects of eating disorders: 1) the increasingly common yet potentially life-threatening nature of eating disorders, with an onset usually during adolescence; 2) the challenges and costs to treating eating disorders, with a discussion of current hospital-related costs across Canada; and 3) the glaring discrepancy between the money spent on eating disorder diagnoses/treatment and the funding dollars granted for eating disorder research in Canada (i.e. only $0.70 per affected Canadian in 2018). Research funding per affected individual for other psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions are used as comparisons (e.g. $50.17 per affected Canadian with schizophrenia). We suggest that it is time to revolutionize treatment for individuals with eating disorders and use our resources in a more efficient and effective manner, using current neuroimaging and neuromodulation methods as promising examples. We conclude by emphasizing the need for increased research funding in the field of eating disorders in Canada, as the current research-related investments hinder progress in developing neuroscientifically-sound treatments for these populations.

Year of Publication
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Academie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
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J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
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